Community Singing

Singing together is something the human race has done for thousands of years.  We do it in times of joy, sorrow, frustration, adversity, and achievement.  We do it to express who we are as individuals and as a culture.  Whether in church, at home, or at concerts, singing together can create a sense of togetherness that in today’s world is sorely needed.  Small groups, large groups it doesn’t matter.  What matters is the unifying thread of single purpose.  The focus of a group of people to bring into creation something from themselves which expresses who and where they are at that particular moment.  It creates and sustains community.

Minneapolis actually used to be a leader in the nation of Community Singing.  During World War 1, community singing was actually mandated by the state, however after the war it was so popular that it continued through the late 50’s.  People would gather in their neighborhood parks and sing together.  It became a contest throughout the city and was regularly reported on and sponsored by the Minneapolis Tribune and the Minneapolis Park Board.  Judges, trophies, and national recognition were the norm as Minneapolis sung by the thousands together.

Today, community singing is making a comeback through Minnesota Community Sings (, a non-profit organization that organizes community songs at parks around town, as well as churches, community gathering spots, and in peoples homes.  As an active participant in these sings, I see the community that it creates, the nourishing of the soul which surrounds it, and the joy that lingers on every face as we make music together.  Old songs, new songs, melody, harmony, good singers, developing singers, all are part of the tapestry that makes up each community sing and all are welcome.

I hope to see you at the next event!  Check for upcoming gatherings or make one of your own and let me know so we can share a song together!